Good Afternoon,
Earthworks are continuing in stage 1, with the recent inclement weather causing a few minor delays and completion now anticipated by mid July. These delays however, are not impacting other activities onsite including the trenching works for the hydraulics which include services such as sewer, water and stormwater. Sewer main installation has begun in earnest and the team are making great progress. Stormwater and watermain works are set to commence mid month with roadworks followed shortly thereafter.
The team have commenced the planning and coordination of activities required for the Yass Valley Way pavement reconstruction, which requires notifiable traffic management controls prior to the works being done.
At this stage we anticipate to have operational acceptance of stage 1 by late October. Registration of the stage and settlements therefore, will hopefully occur in December, dependent upon Council and State government approval timeframes.
As always if you have any questions or queries please drop us an email at
Have a great day!
Construction Update March 2024
After the stormy weather during the Christmas and January periods which required some restoration works, we’re pleased to advise that construction is progressing well within